Get out of breath

Calorie Row

Calorie Row

Do your left arm, then the row, then do your right arm. Suggested weight 24kg. Choose your weight based on what lets you keep moving.


3 Rounds
800m run
20 Snatches @ 24kg

You may see everything closing in on these runs.

This is one of those workouts that can really wreck you if you go for it.

You could take it easy, and pace the runs. I recommend you go for it.


3 simple movements, sandwiched between swings, to get your heart rate up.

20 Swings
20 Snatches
20 Swings
20 OH Squats
20 Swings
20 Front Squats
20 Swings

For myself the overhead squats are the most challenging, and it limits the size of the bell I can use. 24kg is appropriate for me


"Deep Five"

This is a variation of the Deep Six workout.
Just like any workout you can change the loading to fit what you need on that day. What I like about this workout is how complete it is. I can take a light bell and do a round or two of this leisurely to warmup, or I can choose a weight that's appropriate for that day, and do it straight through, as fast as I can.

5 Rounds
5 Swings
5 Snatches
5 Clean and Press
5 Front Squats

The difference between this and the Deep Six is that I eliminate the turkish get-up. I love TGUs, I think from a grappling perspective they're extremely beneficial. However they really aren't a speed movement, and I find them awkward in a workout. Without the TGU I can really keep moving the whole time.


5 Rounds
5 Kettlebell Cleans
5 Uppercuts

24kg Kettlebell

I like this one because it's quick and not too painful. Often if I've done a lot of lifting, feeling burnt out, or if I don't have a lot of time, I'll do this workout. It's fun and a nice way to get out of breath.

One thing I like about it is that you can keep the bell in your hands the whole time. The uppercuts leave you with a nice transition to the other hand, a person could make this an AMRAP if they wanted to.


Push Up

KB Overhead Squat 24kg

Do 10 pushups, then 10 overhead squats, 15 pushups, then 8 OH squats..

I split up the OH squats evenly, doing my right arm, then my left arm. If you're weird or whatever you could do all of them on one arm. 

These will test your shoulder flexibility, if you're not keeping your chest forward, you're fucking up. If you've got correct mobility, you can do overhead squats with two arms. It's really not that easy, Kelly Starrett refers to it as the Leopard Test 

Secret Service Snatch Test

"10min. AMRAP of KB snatches today at 55lbs. Only rule was you can't put the bell down! As you'll notice my WoD partner DNF'd around minute 7 and finished..."

Secret Service Snatch Test. Sounds intense right? I heard about this workout and was immediately intrigued. The workout is as follows.

10 minute AMRAP: Kettlebell Snatches. That's it, really.

In 10 minutes, complete as many kettlebell snatches as possible.

  • Men use 24kg/ Women use 16kg.
  • Switch hands as often as you want.
  • Put the bell down if you want.

I really had no idea what I was getting into when I tried this, but I'll give you a spoiler, it involves breathing really heavy.


For an emasculating experience, watch Talayna Fortunado complete 145 reps using the men's prescribed weight. Apparently she wanted more of a challenge so she gave herself the rule that she couldn't put the bell down.

Freddy Krueger


From the mind of evil genius Ben Bergeron

21-15-9 Reps for time of:
KB Swings (70, 53)

This is a fast workout, some freaks do it around 3 minutes (not me). The bell should be heavy, but not so heavy you aren't moving very fast. If this workout is longer than 7 minutes, you're not moving nearly fast enough.

Sadistically I've thought about modifying this workout by wearing a weight vest.