
21 min AMRAP
7 2-KB OH Lunge @ 16kg
7 Box Jumps @ 36"
7 Burpees
7 Box Jumps @ 36"

This will challenge both your core and your gas tank.

Seems like the more you move your center of mass, the more out of breath you get. This workout is full of that.

Two kettlebells is an interesting way to demand overhead stability. Different than a single object like a barbell or a plate, two kettlebells means you're constantly making adjustments. Add to that the metabolic component and keeping your core fixed while being out of breath becomes quite difficult.

2-KB Push Jerk

Personally my legs are much, much stronger than my shoulders. My long, lanky arms can be thanked for that.
Given this, 225 is an appropriate weight for my deadlift, however the push jerk will be comparatively light at 16kg. If you're a normal strong human, 24kg could be your weight on the kettlebells. Or perhaps you're built the opposite way I am, and need to go lighter on the deadlift.

Snatch DT

Use two kettlebells, suggested weight is 16kg.

5 Rounds
12 Deadlifts
9 Snatches
6 Overhead Squats

Each move is with two kettlebells, be a sensible person and go light. If you're some sort of monster and can stay moving with something more, than you have bigger bells than me sir.

I have a rower, not everyone does. I love adding something monostructural, a fancy word for cardio, into workouts. Airdynes, ski ergs, or just plain old running, any of these will add to the workout.

In this workout I rowed, the equivalent run would be somewhere around 200m. If you can't run, do some burpees.

5 Rounds
300m Row
6 KB C&J @ 24kg
9 Swings @ 32kg

Quick dumbbell couplet

Dumbbell front squats and cleans have always made me sore in a different way than barbell squats. For a little variance here's a dumbbell WOD.

10 down to 1
Hang Clean 40lb Dumbbells

That's 10 Hang Cleans, 10 burpees, 9 hang cleans and 9, ... 

These are full cleans, not power. I got this workout from Jon Gilson, and when he gave it to me, I thought it sounded easy. The note in my logbook says, 'deceptive..'



I stumbled onto this one mostly by accident. While democratically trying to figure out what to do, my workout partner and I came up with a nasty combo.

Start a running clock:

At 1 minute:
5 Rounds
5 Handstand Pushups
20 GHD Sit Ups

At 20 minutes:
10 down to 1
2-KB Snatch @ 16kg
OH Walking Lunge w/ KBs

*If you don't have a GHD you can do toes to bar, or kettlebell overhead sit ups.

For the second part you're going to do, 10 double kettlebell snatches, then 10 overhead lunges with both kettlebells, then 9 and 9, 8 and 8...